About Us


Professional Office founded in San Javier (Murcia) in 1997, licensed Real Estate Agents (col. 469), with  certification that accredits the necessary training in the exercise of the functions of both mediation in real estate transactions as in the realization of expert reports on the value of real estate market

We ensured respect for the rights of our clients, ensuring compliance with the law and put them at the service of these, our knowledge of the market and legal, ensuring the correctness and accuracy of the operation and mediating between the interests of the Parties.


We offer a  selection of properties in the province of Murcia and south coast of Alicante, both individuals and banks, offering excellent conditions of financing.


We advise you on the real value of your property and its possibilities, to proceed to their marketing in the best conditions and reducing to a minimum the time of selling.


We help you to process all aspects related to their heritage and inheritance, marriage dissolutions, paperwork with the Property Register, annotations of embargo, unpaid files...


We issued formal opinions and appraisals for judicial proceedings.